A new concept of cleaner production management (CPM) system is proposed that not only simplifies and improves the CP work in enterprises and reduces several tedious tasks such as document preparation, but also enhance the enterprise management efficiency and motivate the willingness of employees to participate in CP.

Noise produced in a stone crushing and quarrying industry is regarded as one of the primary annoyance for human beings as it produces direct and cumulative adverse impacts causing hearing loss, stress, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, insomnia and depression etc. Stone dust is a primary aerosol and it contributes as a major source ...

1. Introduction. In Finland, the bakery sector includes small, medium-sized and large bakeries, as well as confectionary shops. The bakery industry is the largest food sub-industry in Finland, comprising nearly 700 companies and employing approximately 8000 full-time workers [Citation 1].Of these workers, approximately 5000 are exposed to …

Utilisation of quarry dust and ornamental stone dust in construction industry ... Bonavetti and Irassar [29], studied the influence of the stone dust content in sand on produced concrete mortars. There was a greater water demand when limestone and granite dust were added. ... According to Fig. 3 in the majority of the examined …

shrink-wrap and stretch film is also made out of LDPE, as well as coatings for paper milk cartons and disposable beverage cups. Manufacturers also use LDPE to create thin container lids, squeezable bottles and some toys. We will be using stone dust for manufacturing blocks/tiles. Stone dust is powdered brick, which can be obtained by

The 43-grade ordinary portland cement was obtained from Ultratech Pvt. Ltd., India, and used in the current study in accordance with IS 8112-2013 [31] or ASTM C 150 M-17 [32].The solid waste material, like crushed stone dust of a light brown colour used as a mineral admixture and having a bulk density of 18.18 kg/cubic cm and water …

pollution after air and water. Noise produced in a stone crushing and quarrying industry is regarded as one of the primary annoyance for human beings as it produces direct and cumulative adverse impacts causing hearing loss, stress, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, insomnia and depression etc. Stone dust is a primary aerosol and

this study concentrates on the fine aggregate that is an important factor for strength development in concreting. Generally sand is used as a fine aggregate in Bangladesh. Stone dust produced from stone crushing is the main concern to establish it as an appropriate alternative of sand and to minimize pressure on the sand as natural …

Searching for the solution Several years ago, ILCI invested in a network of dust collectors that were connected to movable source-capture hoods placed in areas of high dust generation. ut given the heavy concentrations of dust in the large cutter bay, which measures 140 feet long x 68 feet wide x 20 feet high, source capture was not …

A study showed that carbon footprint of urban buildings increased from 8.95 million tons in 2005 to 13.57 million tons in 2009, and that 45% of CO 2 resulted from building material production whereas 40% of CO 2 resulted from building energy in Xiamen, China [].Another study indicated that life-cycle carbon emission of a five-story brick …

mining and quarrying, sandblasting, and any construction trades that generate silica dust through stone or concrete work. A high prevalence of advanced, life-threatening silicosis linked to extensive use of artificial stone with high silica content in the marble industry was reported in Israel [1]. Similar outbreaks of

The briquettes produced in this study have a higher calorific value than wood. However, the calorific value alone is not enough to determine the choice of briquette in preference to wood. In this study, the binder used influenced the physical-chemical parameters, notably volatile matter and hence the calorific value. 4.3.2. Physical …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Investigations on concrete with stone crusher dust as fine aggregate" by D. P. Rao et al. ... This paper studies the influence of silica fume and Processed Quarry Fines (PQF) on the flexural behaviour of the reinforced concrete beams by experimental as well as numerical studies. ... Now a days the ...

The stone dust from the crusher units of construction sites is an environmental hazard. The disposal of stone dust is a major problem. In this paper an attempt is made to study the effective use of stone dust as a stabilizing agent. An experimental investigation is carried out to study the effect of stone dust on engineering properties of soil.

The present paper study the effect of partial substitution of brick dust (BD), stone dust (SD), and recycled fine aggregate (RFA) as fine aggregate on the properties of natural aggregate concrete (NAC) and recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). In the present investigation, two groups of mixes were considered: Group A consists of natural ...

This stone dust has a direct hazardous effect on the health of local quarrying workers by making them prone to life-threatening breathing problems like silicosis, tuberculosis, and chest pains (Ahmad, 2015; Chopra et al., 2012; Solanki et al., 2014; Yarahmadi et al., 2013). Deposition of stone dust on

She is also involved in different research projects, which are Towards net-zero emissions-hydrogen solutions in airports, University of Groningen, The Netherlands in the period September 2022–March, 2023 and granted from British Council – Newton Fund Research Environment Links Turkey/UK – Circular and Industry 4.0 driven sustainable ...

Although quarries and the stone industries represent a significant industrial sector in Palestine in terms of production and exports and thus enhancing the economic situation, these operations have adverse impact on the environment and human health. The present study revealed that particulate matter (dust) produced as a result of the different …

SCC mixtures were prepared at a constant water-to-binder ratio of 0.45 using five different replacement percentages of cement by WCBPD ranging from 10 to 25% (by cement weight) with partial replacement of fine limestone aggregate by crushed stone dust. Fresh and hardened properties were investigated to establish the significance of dust …

Specific to stone processing sector, CP has been recognized for its ability to embody the efficient use of natural stone resources and to minimize wastewater and solid waste as well as risks to human health and safety (Silvestre and Silva, 2012).Furthermore, introducing CP mode into the stone processing industry would reduce the production …

This paper focuses on the environmental, economic, and social impact of stone and marble industry in the Middle East and North Africa region taking Palestine as a case study.It presents the lifecycle of stone and marble, with adequate indicators, and proposes strategy for proper and efficient use of resources including natural stone, …

5. Significance of the Study: Dust inhalation by the workers exposes them to respiratory and pulmonary problems. The workers may develop silicosis if they are exposed to dust containing crystalline silica over long periods. It is, therefore, necessary to study the dust and address the health risks that the dust poses to the mineworkers.

The produced water (PW) volume in the Intermountain-West (I-WEST) region is about 600 million m3 in 2021. More than one-third of the PW is injected for disposal, which can be a waste of water, considering the water scarcity in the I-WEST region. In this work, we analyzed the potential for the reuse of PW in the I-WEST region. …

The stone dust from the crusher units of construction sites is an environmental hazard. The disposal of stone dust is a major problem. In this paper an attempt is made to study the effective use of stone dust as a stabilizing agent. An experimental investigation is carried out to study the effect of stone dust on engineering properties of soil. The engineering …