Gravel prices per ton. Bulk crushed stone and gravel prices are $10 to $50 per ton on average.One cubic yard contains 1.4 to 1.5 tons of stone. Road base costs $18 to $30 per ton. Plain pea gravel or limestone costs $28 to $45 per ton. Buying gravel in small quantities costs more than $100 per ton.. Gravel cost per yard

Step 4: Compact the Stone Base. Dampen the stone pack by spraying it lightly with a garden hose or watering can. Then, use a 6- or 8-inch-square hand tamper to pound the stone pack into a smooth, hard surface. Dampening the crushed stone first keeps down dust and helps with compaction. Step 5: Lay Down the Landscape Fabric

Dandys Limestone Dust Fines are 0 - 4mm crushed limestone that is perfect to make driveways and paths on a budget - or as a base for laying paving slabs and block paving on. Call us 01244 280008 or order online for home delivery. ... Natural Stone Paving. Length (m) X Width (m) = m2 you need. Our packs are 15.25m2. Gravel and Slate.

Crushed Gravel with light buff, tan and gold colors. Brassfield Fines's size is well suited for pathways or as a joint filler between flagstones. Varying in size from 1/8" to 1/4". Approximate coverage of 110 sf/ton. ... "I buy approximately 200 tons of rocks, gravel, and stone from Green Stone each year. I won't go anywhere else.

Crusher fines in their purest form have no soil mixed in, they are pure crushed stone. Gravel and crusher fines differ from one another in that gravel is screened to remove the fines which contain the natural binders/cements. Gravels remain loose because of dead air or pore space within the matrix which allow them to drain well and …

The smaller leftover particles become crusher fines (some companies produce fines as the primary product). These pieces range in size from slivers of dust to chunks of 3/8 of an inch and come in all the different colors that rocks do. Crusher fines that result from hard rock feature rough, fractured edges.

Also called stone dust, rock fines and crusher fines is a combination of small granite pieces and ... 0.25 cu. ft. Brimstone Landscape Decomposed Granite 20 lbs. Crushed Rock Fines Ground Cover for Gardening and Pathways (203) $ 29. 99. Southwest Boulder & Stone. 0.125 cu. ft. 3/8 in. - 5/8 in. 10 lbs. Mixed Small Polished Rock …

3/4 Crushed Stone. 3/4 inch crushed stone is a useful aggregate in several applications of hardscaping and has become increasingly relied upon in permeable and open graded base installations where the water that enters the system is meant to freely drain through the base material and penetrate into the subsoil or be collected into a drainage system and …

crushed stone with fines enquiry. ... Crusher run contains a blend of stone, gravel, sand, and fine particles. A typical gradation for a crusher run is: Stone: 35-60% passing 1.5-2 inches; Gravel: 25-55% passing 3/4 inch; Sand: 5-20% passing #4 sieve; Fines: 2-10% passing #200 sieve; This well-graded mix of aggregate sizes provides superior ...

Answer Decomposed granite and crushed stone fines material are typically sold by the cubic yard, which is also known as a square yard. A cubic yard, also known as a square yard, of decomposed granite or crushed stone fines material weighs 3,000 pounds or 1-1/2 tonnes and can range in price from 37.99 to 74.99 per yard, depending on …

Argillite: This dark blue rock has flecks of green and red and is a durable, highly compact sedimentary or metamorphic rock made of clay or silt.It's stronger than shale and doesn't cleave like slate. It has fine grains and a rough, dull texture that can be polished to shine. It can resist heat, impacts, water, scratches, staining, wind, and acid, …

Albert Montano Sand and Gravel carries a variety of types of crusher fines. Crusher fines are small particles of crushed rock. Featured below are the selection of crusher fine choices in our yard. Call Albert Montano Sand and Gravel at 505-989-7921 to Order Crusher Fines for Your Job or Project Today!

The size of the crushed stone is selected based on the structural needs of the project. For concrete slabs, the stone size affects how well the pieces interlock and the slab's overall stability. A commonly used size for this purpose is #57 crushed stone, which is considered a middle ground between the fine stone dust and the larger gravel pieces.

The Pavestone Crushed Bluestone is a versatile, neutral-colored rock. It is perfect for most landscape design applications that will beautify your yard. It may be used in gardens, pathways, driveways and ponds. The attractive, natural sandstone rocks also retain moisture and help prevent soil erosion.

Crushed stone: The sub-base layer uses 3- to 5-inch diameter stones. The 1- to 1.5-inch top gravel creates a smooth driving surface. The 1- to 1.5-inch top gravel creates a smooth driving surface. Edge restraints: Borders like plastic curbing, treated wood, or metal landscape edges keep gravel contained.

B. Do not install crusher fines material during rain or snow. Do not install crusher fines on sub-grade that has standing water. C. If the required compacted depth of the crusher fines exceeds 6 inches (6"), place course in two or more layers of approximately equal thickness. The minimum thickness of any one layer shall be four inches (4").

Rock Type: Crushed Stone. 82 Results. Sort by: Top Sellers. Top Sellers Most Popular Price Low to High Price High to Low Top Rated Products. Exclusive $ 5. 97. Buy 64 or more $5.37 (1475) Model# 54775V. Vigoro . 0.5 cu. ft. Bagged All-Purpose Decorative Landscape Rock. Add to Cart. Exclusive $ 12. 97. Buy 64 or more $11.67

Crusher fines are the dust and 3/8-inch and smaller remnants of the gravel crushing process. Larger pieces of crushed gravel are used as the base rock in driveways, sidewalks and crushed gravel paths. While crushed gravel is suitable for paths, using crusher fines in the garden provides a firm, solid surface for walking.

Usually, crushed stone #57 is used as the middle layer of a gravel driveway. It typically consists of golf-ball-sized crushed stone, hence the name. It is made from machine-crushed rock and is often used in many different sorts of landscaping projects. The rock's size and shape are suitable for drainage and prevent the gravel …

Crushed stone has a wide range of applications, but it is most frequently used as material for projects that require structural strength. Before pouring concrete, many contractors favor using a subbase of ½" or ¾" crushed stone. Crushed stone is often used in projects underground, but some people prefer to use it for garden beds or ...