3.1K. The Battle of Margaretta, by today's standards, was really more of a skirmish: a sailing vessel with four guns attacked by woodsmen with farm implements.. But it was the first naval battle of the American Revolution, and James Fenimore Cooper called it "the Lexington of the Seas.". The victors in the battle would protect Maine's eastern …

Battle Begins. Commodore Saltonstall's orders directed him to completely eliminate the British presence in the Penobscot. To do so, his superiors emphasized, he would have to "preserve the greatest harmony with the commander of the land forces, that the navy and army may cooperate and assist each other."It was guidance that the commodore would …

the industrial revolution and Britain's commercial and colonial expansion was felt in the maritime ... As vessels and shipwrecks in archaeological . contexts rarely survive in their entirety, coupled ... nor is it a synthesis of 19th and early to mid 20th century British maritime history, for which Friel (2003) and Griffiths (2001) are ...

Where the Garden State Parkway crosses over the Mullica River, lies an unseen story of the American Revolution concealed by murky water. On Oct. 6, 1778, the British burned as many as ten merchant ships that had been captured by privateers operating out of Port Republic, N.J. in the Battle of Chestnut Neck, the first amphibious …

We are making the most high resolution mapping to date of the Yorktown and Gloucester sides of the York River. We are mapping currently known British shipwrecks, looking specifically for dimensions and precise locations, as well as searching for new British shipwrecks from the "Siege of Yorktown", the final battle of the Revolutionary War.

Marine archaeologists surveying the York River may have discovered wrecks dating to the final battle of the Revolutionary War. Earlier this month, a sonar scan of the bottom of the river revealed several unidentified targets, and hopes are high that they are vessels from the fleet of British General Charles Cornwallis and the "Siege of Yorktown."

Every Fourth of July, Floridians celebrate Independence Day with cookouts, hometown parades, and of course, fireworks as America's victory over the British in the American Revolution is commemorated. Not all American colonists supported the war, though. Many remained dedicated to King George III and England. As the American …

Dr. Kathy Abbass of the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) will present "Ships and Shipwrecks of the Revolution in Rhode Island" on Thursday evening March 24, at 7 p.m. eastern at the Herreshoff Marine Museum in Bristol. More than 200 vessels are known to have been lost in Rhode Island waters during the …

The British vessels rapidly overtook the fleeing American forces, causing the latter to abandon and scuttle most of their ships to prevent their capture. During the mid-1990s, Brent Phinney, the owner of a sawmill and steel fabrication shop in Brewer, Maine, discovered the remains of a wooden shipwreck in shallow water immediately off the ...

Not all shipwrecks were lost at sea. Many were able to be salvaged, and we'll visit Middletown for this Revolutionary War tale which begins in Sandy Hook. Sandy Hook has always played a vital role in the safety and defense of New York Harbor. Both the pats and British troops took advantage of its strategic location.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "The World Turned Upside Down: Revisiting the Archaeology of the American Revolution", at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The Revolutionary War is a rich part of American history. The colonial artifacts left behind also have stories of their own to tell, yet the challenges in …

During the American Revolution, her role in the rescue of British troops after the battles of Lexington and Concord, and the bombardment during the Battle of Bunker Hill, influenced the outcomes of both battles. ... Some shipwrecks have been documented by National Park Service archeologists, but most remain hidden under sand, or offshore. The ...

The "constrained voice" is a good synopsis of how the British viewed the American Revolutionary War. From anxiety to a foreboding sense of the conflict being a civil war, to some admiration, and to a hardened resolve most present in their monarchy. The "constrained voice" furthermore would also symbolize the first decades of …