Table of Contents1 Best Grinding Spots1.1 Recommended Grinding Spots For Newer Players2 Best Grinding Spots For Money2.1 1. Sulfur Mines2.2 2. Hystria Ruins2.3 3. Stars End2.4 4. Swamp Fogans2.5 5. Sycraia Lower2.6 6. Turos2.7 7. Castle Ruins2.8 8. Bloody Monastery2.9 9. Orc Camp2.10 10. Polly's Forest3 Early and Late …
If I recall correctly, grinding was relevant in classic, you could reach the max level just by grinding and it wasn't that much worse than questing in terms of speed. It was nothing like the latest expansions at all where questing is massively better. I personally grinded tons of ogres in alterac and burning steppes. You just couldn't make it to 60 just …