Numerous studies on the use of granite waste as a partial replacement for cement or river sand in concrete and mortars have been conducted. Celik and Marar [1] replaced natural sand up to 30% with crusher dust in concrete. The maximum increase in compressive strength was observed at 10% crusher dust content.

The lowest slump was measured for concrete mixtures containing 50 % granite waste, especially for L-50 concrete. The replacement of natural river sand by 50 % granite in H-concrete decreases the slump by 47 % as compared to the H-0 (i.e., high strength concrete with 0 % of granite particle replacement) concrete.

The suitability of Granite Powder (GP) to replace river sand in concrete production was investigated. ... Water to cement ratio was maintained to 0.55 throughout the project. Concrete was prepared with granite fines as a replacement of fine aggregate in 5 different percentages namely 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% and relevant tests have been carried ...

Glass powder (GP) peaked at 10% replacement, then weakened. Conclusion: 10% GP replacement, not foundry sand, notably boosted concrete strength. ( Alhaji B., D. N., Yusuf A., & Shehu, 2019) explored waste glass as fine aggregate replacement with Bida natural aggregates in concrete. Suggested 20% as ideal substitution ratio. Waste glass …

Nevertheless upto 40% GCW can be incorporated in concrete as a partial replacement of sand with improved strength at 0.35 and 0.40 w/c over the control concrete. • Inclusion of GCW in concrete does not affect the flexural strength of concrete (at 70%) replacement level. The replacement of 40% river sand by GCW results in …

The Replacement of granite fine at 20% gives less result when compare to conventional concrete. The management of waste granite powder is a main goal of this project. The granite fine concrete has better strength at 10% replacement. The Replacement of granite fine in concrete gives more Economical and provides better performance. …

6. Manasseh JOEL –"Use of Crushed Granite Fine as Replacement to River Sand in Concrete Production" Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies ISSN 1583-1078 Issue 17, July -December 2010p. 85 96 7 .O. S. Olaniyan, O.M. Afolabi and O.M. Okeyinka "Granite Fines as a Partial Replacement for Sand

replacement material for river sand in concrete. The various literature works collected on the study of the behavior of concrete with use of granite powder has been reviewed and relevant literature has been presented in this chapter. K. Chairanjeevi Reddy "Experimental study on concrete with waste granite powder as an admixture"

From the results they found concrete waste can used to produce hallow concrete block masonry units. Suitability of Crushed granite fine (CGF) to replace river sand in concrete production was investigated Manaseeh Joel7 [2010]. Slump, ... replacement of river sand with 20% CGF, as against values of 35.00N/mm2 and 1.75N/mm2 obtained with the use ...

14 and 28 days. The test results indicate that the replacement of coarse aggregate by granite waste has beneficial effect on the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of concrete. Keyword –Granite Waste, Coarse Aggregate, Light weight aggregate, Igneous Rock, Split Tensile Strength 1.

River sand is used as fine aggregate conforming to the requirements of IS 383. Before using that, it can ... granite waste 1 C0 Standard concrete 2 C1 10% replacement 3 C2 20% replacement ... 10%, 20%, 30% replacement of granite waste. The strength is gradually decreasing at 40% and 50%. Moreover by using granite waste and

Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Waste Granite Powder Molakani Pavan Kumar PG Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering ... natural sand by waste granite powder in concrete composition with different percentages (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, ... granite fines can be used as an opportunity cloth for the river sand. Waste own similar residences as that of ...

This research work presents the associate of the outcomes of the recycled coarse aggregates and granite cutting waste base concrete with the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. ... due to sand requisite for the persistent Jaipur Metro Project ... from different mix ID increased replacement of river sand with GCW and …

A limited number of research studies have managed to attain high-strength geopolymer concrete, especially by utilising waste materials. In this study, granite waste (GW) from the mining industry, which contaminates the surrounding environment and causes air pollution, and rice husk ash (RHA) from agricultural waste were used to …

In present study the detailed characteristic studies of concrete is carried out by partial replacement of natural sand by waste granite powder in concrete composition with different percentages (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%).The mechanical properties of concrete like compressive strength, tensile strength are carried out by replacing the ...

Herein, it is proposed to add a relatively fine waste as a filler to replace part of the cement and part of the sand, i.e. to combine the cement replacement strategy and sand replacement strategy together, so as to allow greater reutilization of the waste, to reduce the cement and sand consumptions, and hopefully also to improve the …

results were compared with those of river sand as fine aggregate. 2. Concrete of grade M25 were considered in these investigation. 3. The fine aggregate replacement of M-Sand with river Sand is more cost economical 4. Replacement of M sand by 25% with naural sand decrease compressive strength up to 4.37% & 11.10% for 7 & 28 days 5.

The main aim of this paper is to strengthen the concrete with the fractional replacement of cement by granite dust and replacing the river sand with manufactured sand. The current study is carried out by fractional replacement of cement with granite dust in varying proportions of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight of the cement and …