FSIS is publishing this compliance guideline to provide information about the types of meat and poultry product labels that need to be submitted to the Agency for approval, including specific examples of certain special statements and claims that are not generically approved. This guideline is not for establishments who produce products

FSIS DIRECTIVE . 7120.1 Rev. 59 8/7/24 . SAFE AND SUITABLE INGREDIENTS USED N THE PRODUCTION I OF MEAT, POULTRY, AND EGG PRODUCTS . I. PURPOSE . This directive provides inspection program personnel (IPP) with the latest updates to the list of substances that may be used in the production of meat, poultry, and egg products. As a …

El FSIS vuelve a publicar esta directiva con la finalidad de aclarar cuáles son los registros que el personal del programa de inspeccin está autorizado a revisar y cmo debe documentar la revisin. Específicam ente, el FSIS adjunt una pregunta y una respuesta que explica cuáles son los datos disponibles para la agencia.

The Office of Field Operations (OFO) is the largest program in FSIS, responsible for managing and administering the nation's meat, poultry and egg products inspection and verification program. Organized into 10 District Offices nationwide, OFO carries out FSIS' food safety mission in processing and slaughter facilities across the country. ...

The Import & Export Library identifies countries that have been determined, through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Equivalence Process, to have equivalent meat, poultry, or egg product food safety inspection systems are eligible for import.Additionally, the Import & Export Library …

FSIS has begun development of its 2017-2021 Strategic Plan. This work will continue through FY 2016. FSIS held both public and stakeholder meetings, including meetings with FDA and CDC, to gather input on key focus areas, issues, and trends in food safety that the Agency should consider in developing the Plan. This critical input from …

The FSIS Strategic Plan is the foundation document for both the long range and day-to-day operations of the Agency. Learn More. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Any person has the right to obtain Federal agency records unless the records (or a part of the records) are protected from disclosure by any of the nine exemptions contained in …

FSIS as a Public Health Regulatory Agency: 5000.1 Walk Through 08/17/2015 Entry Training for PHV 7 available to FSIS, upon request, a water report, issued under the authority of the State or local health agency, certifying or attesting to the potability of the water supply. If an establishment uses a private well

The Recall Release is issued to media outlets in the areas where the product was distributed. Both Recall Releases and RNRs are posted on the FSIS Website and distributed to FSIS email subscribers. When possible, FSIS also includes pictures of the recalled product labels as part of the FSIS online Recall Release posting.

Complete the information on the large bar-coded seal from the same FSIS Form 7355-2A/2B sample seal set and sign the seal. Apply the FSIS Laboratory Sample Container Seal (FSIS Form 7355-2A) to the inner flap of the shipping container as described in FSIS Directive 7355.1. IPP are to close the box flaps so that the container closure …

FSIS is responsible for protecting the public's health by ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. FSIS consists of about 9,600 employees, with the majority of agency employees working on the frontline in more than 6,500 federally inspected establishments throughout the United States and Territories, to verify the production of …

Replaces: FSIS-GD-2017-0007 This guideline provides information on the Agency regulatory requirements associated with safe production of heat-treated ready-to-eat (RTE) and not-ready-to-eat (NRTE) meat and poultry products with respect to preventing or limiting the growth of spore-forming bacteria and other pathogens.

FSIS employs approximately 9,000 employees working collectively to conduct a broad range of food safety activities to achieve FSIS' overall vision - that everyone's food is safe. FSIS employees are highly trained, motivated, and skilled professionals working as "one team with one purpose." As our workforce is very important to the ...

FSIS Issues Updated Labeling Guideline on Animal Raising Claims December 20, 2019 Food Safety and Inspection Service Volume 23 Number 12 FSIS ConstituentUpdate United States Department of Agriculture FSIS has updated its guideline on documentation needed to support animal raising claims made on meat or poultry …

The Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook (MLG) contains test methods used by the FSIS Field Service Laboratories to support FSIS regulatory activities. The MLG contains methods for the sample preparation, isolation and identification of the major foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins, meat tissue species …