Welcome to Amity International, a leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of high-quality Lister and Petter type diesel engines and diesel engine spare parts in India. Our comprehensive range of products also includes 1A & 2A grinding mills, Danish-type flour mills, rice huller mills, sugarcane crushers, and their spare parts.

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Available in stock in Nairobi, Kenya at our distributor Rift Valley Machinery Services Ltd. They have fabricated the pump set and trailer arrangement locally. 欄 ... LISTER PETTER (UK) ENGINE PUMP SET | PUMP ASSEMBLY: Portable TR3 Lister Petter (UK) Engine Pump Set. For more info; ☎️ 0725-174066,0707-259793 🖥 info@rvmachinery | By ...

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Lister Petter Grinding Mill In Kenya. Grinding Mills Petter Giftshop Louisa. Lister petter grinding mill in kenya - youtube more details:googl/pajuu7 more about lister petter grinding mill in kenya, please visit:.Lister petter grinding machine indian make.We are manufacturer and exporter of all kinds spare parts for lister engine, petter engine ...

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For over 150 years, Lister Petter has been building diesel engines and machines for the industrial sector. The company was initially started by Robert Ashton Lister in 1867 and was known as R.A Lister. In 1893 the other half of the famous 'Lister Petter' was founded. James B Petter & sons started up their engine business.

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Here at Busch Machinery we stock new and reconditioned Lister Petter engines for all applications such agricultural, construction, generators, mielie grinders, mining and water pump applications. ... mixer, dumper, generator, mielie grinding, mining and water pump applications we have the spares and the engines to suit your needs! We supply ...

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