Marie Louise Falkland, Outokumpu's Senior Technical Manager says: "Sanicro® 35 bridges the gap between stainless steel and nickel-based alloys for highly corrosive environments. We are now able to provide customers with sheet and plate samples so they can evaluate the alloy's performance in different environments, as well as exploring ...

Outokumpu on vuosikymmeniä johtanut muutosta kohti vastuullista ruostumattoman teräksen valmistusta, läpimurto toisensa jälkeen. Outokumpu Circle Green® on tähän mennessä suurin saavutuksemme. Sen hiilijalanjälki on jopa 93 % pienempi maailmanlaajuiseen alan keskiarvoon verrattuna, joten se ylittää vastuullisuudellaan …

Outokumpu uses stainless steel scrap generated from its own processes as a pre-material for powder metal production, making this a highly sustainable offering. Stainless steel solutions also last longer when compared to carbon steel since they have enhanced properties to suit the demands of different applications.

Outokumpu has led the change towards sustainable stainless steel manufacturing for decades with one breakthrough benchmark after another. Outokumpu Circle Green® marks our biggest achievement in this pursuit to date. With a carbon footprint down to 7% of the global average, it surpasses any existing solution in sustainability and sets yet ...

Although Gert Weiß's experience dates much further back than the start of his Outokumpu career, he has an unequalled understanding of customers' expectations when it comes to high-quality stainless steel surfaces.In 1988 Weiß came to Krupp Stahl AG gaining expertise in the manufacture of stainless steel strip and specializing in high-quality …

Outokumpu Tornio operations is Outokumpu's biggest integrated plant and it is the only fully integrated stainless steel facility in the world. Tornio stainless steel operations consist of two stainless steel melt shop lines, hot rolling mill, cold rolling plant, brushing and polishing as well as slitting and cut-to-length lines.

The Palaeoproterozoic DeGrussa copper–gold–silver, volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposit is located in the eastern part of the Capricorn Orogen of central Western Australia (Fig. 1).The DeGrussa deposit was discovered in 2009 within an interfingering sequence of sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks time equivalent to the …

Duplex stainless steel was invented in Avesta in 1930.That heritage continues today in a facility housing a melt shop, hot rolling mill, cold rolling mill and finishing lines, and its vital Group R&D centre. The Avesta mill specializes in thick and wide materials (2-meter-wide coil and sheet) and special grades in the Forta, Ultra and Therma ranges. In addition to …

Outokumpu's financial targets also remain unchanged. The extended hot rolling agreement will, however, decrease business area Americas' normalized annual EBITDA run-rate from USD 200 million to USD 170 million and result in a non-cash impairment booking of approx. USD 280 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. The …

Lower-chromium Outokumpu ferritic steel grades are widely used in applications such as automotive exhaust systems, while our intermediate-chromium grades are popular among the world's leading goods manufacturers. In containing little or no nickel, our ferritics are very attractive from the price stability point of view. ...

Because of Outokumpu's ability to provide both wet and dry polishing and the freedom to use a 2B as well as a BA/2R substrate, we have an exceptionally wide product range to meet any demands and requirements. The ground or polished surface has more or less clearly visible scoring, which also makes scratches from daily wear and tear less ...

Inside information: Outokumpu appoints Kati ter Horst as President and CEO of Outokumpu . Outokumpu Corporation has today appointed Kati ter Horst (MBA, M.Sc. Econ.) as President and CEO as of October 9, 2024, at the latest. She will be located in Outokumpu Corporation's headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.

* Mineral Resource for DeGrussa and Monty are based on a 1.0% Cu cut-off. ** Ore Reserve includes mining dilution and mining recovery. The DeGrussa processing plant has a capacity of 1.6Mtpa. The mining operations strategy adopted for the DeGrussa Mine and Monty Mine targets the blending of material from both mines and scheduling to

The DeGrussa Operations includes both the DeGrussa and Monty Copper-Gold Mines. Underground mining operations at DeGrussa have been completed, with the depletion of run-of-mine (ROM) sulphide ore from the DeGrussa and Monty Copper-Gold Mines. The final stopes were extracted, hauled to surface and processed in October 2022.

The update includes the Monty Mine as well as the DeGrussa, Conductor 1, Conductor 4, and Conductor 5 deposits at the DeGrussa Mine. The company reported the updated Underground Ore Reserve for DeGrussa and Monty Mines to be 5.5Mt grading 4.8% Cu and 1.6g/t Au for 264,000t of contained copper and 277,000oz of contained gold .

Two mines - Degrussa and Monty. Byrnecut commenced operations at Sandfire Resources' Degrussa copper mine in July 2014, after acquiring the contract through an open tender process. The Degrussa underground mine is a high-grade copper deposit that commenced operation in 2012. The mine design comprises over 50km of underground …