The average uranium content in Egyptian phosphorite is estimated at about 24–27 ppm for Abu Tartur phosphate deposit, and about 7000 million tons at Abu Tartur area, where there is a strong correlation between uranium and P 2 O 5 that indicates the association of uranium in sedimentary phosphate is clear (Nuclear Materials Authority …

Till now, little exploitation was applied on these sediments due to the technical issues affecting mining and processing of black shale. Cost and environmental impacts are the main unfavorable issues. A high level of harmful atmospheric emissions – especially hydrogen sulfide – produced through processing stages and exceeds those of coal ...

The phosphate-glauconite rich deposit of the Campanian Duwi Formation at the Abu Tartur Plateau in the Western Desert of Egypt represents one of the largest phosphate reserves in the world, with an estimated 70 billion metric tons of ores with up 30 wt% P 2 O 5 (Glenn and Arthur, 1990). The origin of phosphorite in the Duwi Formation …

In fact, the problem of Abu Tartur is not the grade or the quality of the ore, also not problem of transportation distance but it is definitely mining problem due to the soft shale member that overlaying the phosphate member. The Abu Tartur mine extend about 1200 m. inside the Abu Tartur plateau. The recent work depend on open cast mining ...

The port includes a dry bulk terminal outfitted with integrated mechanical equipment for loading the Phosphate aboard the ships. The Phosphate is mined at Abu tartur area, New Valley, southwest of Egypt and mainly transported by a 680 km railway line from Abu tartur to the port. Safaga (Abu tartur) port was inaugurated early in the year 2000.

The main objective of this paper is to address the environmental issues that arise during the extraction of phosphate ore at Abu-Tartour mining area, Western desert, Egypt. Although the mine locates in the heart of the desert, the mining operations for ore extraction either from the underground mine, or from the surface mining work, do have several …

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(10): 231-248, 2012 ISSN 1991-8178 Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, Western Desert of Egypt 1,2 Ashraf El Maghraby 1 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah …

Abu Tartour phosphate mine represents one of the largest phosphate mines and is considered one of the largest phosphate mines in the world, ... The red sea mines stretches along the cost between two major cities Safaga and Qusseir. ... With over 32 years of experience and expertise in the petroleum and mining sectors he was …