Welcome to WASHCO. WASHCO are specialists in commercial laundry equipment, installing, advising and repairing across the UK. We supply a wide range of high-quality commercial washer and dryer brands including Miele, Primus, Speed Queen and our smart, connected WASHCONNECT range, all underpinned by best-in-class service.. At …

Commercial Laundry solutions that use less water, energy and detergent in order to make wash and dry cycles more efficient. ... Commercial Laundry Equipment T17:04:05+00:00 Electrolux Professional. Home; Commercial Laundry Equipment; Corporate. Our company in brief; Investors; Sustainable solutions;

Commercial Laundry Equipment for Your Business. Whether you need a commercial washer and dryer for a small business or industrial laundry equipment for the textile industry, Consolidated Laundry Equipment is the supplier that you can trust. You can buy the best commercial washers and more from top manufacturers at competitive prices.

Speed Queen ® Laundromat Equipment.. Attract. Retain. Thrive. That's what Speed Queen is designed to help you do, all while managing your laundromat remotely. Life is easier for you and your customers with Speed Queen Insights, a cloud-based laundry solution with tools to help you monitor machines remotely, get real time data and …

World-class Huebsch® laundry equipment is designed for your success. Whether seeking machines for a laundromat, on-premises facility or light commercial needs, our superior equipment offers unmatched performance and efficiency. ... When you choose Huebsch commercial laundromat equipment, you can feel confident with around-the-clock …

Commercial On-Premise Laundry Equipment. At Girbau North America, we provide a full breadth of highly tested and reliable laundry products constructed for longevity, safety, efficiency, throughput and performance. No wonder our products are in place at thousands of laundries in an array of markets across North America. We have it all ...

Coinamatic is the leading provider of commercial laundry equipment and service in Canada. We offer a complete line of vended and non-vended laundry equipment and multi-load washer/extractors and tumblers. Additionally, we pride ourselves on an extensive parts inventory and qualified Service Teams who keep your laundry operations in top …

American Laundry Distributors, Inc. is the leading provider of commercial laundry equipment and dry cleaning equipment and related services. Find Out More . EQUIPMENT . Professionals and business owners from every facet of the laundry industry depend on us to provide practical and economic solutions for their operations.

Worldwide Laundry is a full-service commercial laundry equipment, parts, and supplies company. We have forty years of combined experience in the distribution of on-premise, coin laundry, and dry-cleaning equipment at competitive prices worldwide. Our goal is to help you succeed in every aspect of your business

To find the commercial laundry equipment and features that matter most to you, please access one of the following links that relates closest to your industry. Hotels & Motels Continental washers, dryers, feeders, ironers, folders and stackers are in place at hotels and resorts across North America and Mexico. Engineered for both medium- and ...

First-class laundry care with perfect finishing - laundry machines from Miele Professional are centerpiece in a systematic approach including carefully coordinated accessories and a broad range of advisory and after-sales services. This helps meet all commercial requirements in the most efficient of ways.