Coal mining has a significant impact on people lively hood and the environment, the ... hence unfit for use because of the interference of the coal deposit in the area. ... A Global Concern, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies pp. 515-517. 6. Daily News Paper, Maiganga community shuts coal mining company, By Adamu Saleh, Gombe Publish Date: Jul ...

Efforts to diversify the Nigerian economy by increasing production and domestic utilization of industrial minerals, iron ores, bitumen and coal deposits form the core of a "roadmap" for the revitalization of the minerals and mining sector, with the main objective of increasing its contribution to 10% of GDP within the next decade.

Coal Basin . Most of [21] these coal deposits were exploited for use as fuel and for export. However, there has been geometric decrease of coal mining and use after 1959, owing in part to the discovery of petroleum and the civil war. But, recently coal mining started at Maiganga, Gombe state. The coal is used by Ashaka Cement PLC for

Huge deposits of coal have been confirmed in Maiganga coal mine in Gombe. The location is bounded by lati-tude (10˚02'39''N) and longitude (11˚12'17''E). In recent times, certain aspects of the coal deposit have been investigated. These include reports on hydrocarbon generation potential of the coal and stratigraphy of the Gombe Formation …

There has been varying conclusions on the rank of coal at Maiganga over the years. This paper examined the Maiganga coal with the aim of establishing its actual rank. Proximate analysis was undertaken on some samples from Maiganga coal mine. The analysis determined the percentage moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash …

PROXIMATE AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF COAL DEPOSITS AT MAIGANGA IN AKKO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA. by . 1. Y. M.Usman and . 2. O. N. Maitera. 1. Department of. ... 20 Samples of coal were gathered from Maiganga coal mine, at four seams (Layers) buried deep inside the soil. Five samples each were …

The study area covers Maiganga Coal deposit, located at Maiganga village in Akko Local Government Area of Gombe state. The Maiganga coal mine is located at 8 km off Gombe-Yola road immediately after Kumo town . The present study area is located within the Gombe Formation, precisely at Maiganga coal mine, near Kumo in Akko LGA.

The effects of toxicity of heavy metals in mining areas in Nigeria have madethe need for analysis of Maiganga coal as adopted by this research to examine its environmental effluence. The analysis of coal sample was carried out by the used of X-ray fluorescence and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Thetrace metals examined were; …

Coal occurrence, exploitation, Processing, and utilization have strong impact both on human health and the environment. This results from its composition and environment of occurrence. Maiganga Coal occurs in the Gombe sandstone. Result of the petrography analysis of the study area demonstrates high silica content and the …

their causes in Maiganga Coal Mine. It sought to establish and propose reclamation as best possible option using literature reviews of metallic particles in mining most like found in Maiganga Coal Mine. : Locational Map of Maiganga Coal Mine (Source: Matthew et al, 2016, Chibuisi, 2017 and Oruonye, Iliya and Ahmed, 2016) - journals.plos and

Chemical studies have been carried out on coal samples from Maiganga coal mine, Gombe formation, Upper Benue Trough of Nigeria with a view to determine theirchemical characteristics and possible utilization as coking coal or otherwise. The coal samples used for the analyses were sourced from the Maiganga coal mine. Various conventional coal …

Maiganga coal mine, Gombe state. Maiganga coal mine falls within the Gombe Formation inthe Upper Benue Trough of Nigeria. The Maiganga coal mine is bounded by latitudes 009⁰N to 12⁰N and longitudes 10⁰E to 12⁰E (Figure 1).The coal mine is accessible through the GombeYola Road. The – mine is located at 8km, off Gombe …

Some experts say Nigeria holds over 2.8 billion tons of coal but proven reserves were put at 379m tons by the Ministry of Solid Minerals, making it the world's 44 th largest proven reserves. Large swaths of coal deposits can be found in Nasarawa, Enugu, Gombe, Kogi and in 15 other states, much of which may never be tapped.

Coal. Several minerals can be found in Gombe State, including gypsum, limestone and coal. However, despite boasting a strong mining industry, the state's coal reserves have been largely untapped. The state government announced in October 2020 that it had signed a memorandum of understanding with a consortium – consisting of the China ...