Ostwald ripening (or disproportionation) is the process of disappearance of small particles or droplets by dissolution and deposition on the larger particles or droplets. The driving force for Ostwald ripening is the difference in solubility between the small and the large particles. The smaller particles (with higher radius of curvature) are ...

Wilhelm Ostwald was born on September 2, 1853, in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, to parents of German decent. He studied chemistry at the University of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) where he received his PhD in 1878 and lectured at the Polytechnicum in Riga. In 1887, he moved to the University of Dresden in Germany where he remained …

Developments in the theory of Ostwald ripening since the classic work of I. M. Lifshitz and V. V. Slyozov (LS) are reviewed and directions for future work are suggested. Recent theoretical work on the role of a finite volume fraction of coarsening phase on the ripening behavior of two-phase systems is reformulated in terms of a consistent set of notation …

The historical origin of the Nernst equation can be traced back to Helmholtz' treatment of the thermodynamics of galvanic cells and to Gibbs' masterwork "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances". However, Nernst himself used a model of the metal/solution interface based on Arrhenius' dissociation theory, together with some …

Château de l'Ile – Commune d'Ostwald Localisée à seulement 20 minutes au sud-ouest du centre de Strasbourg, Ostwald est une commune agréable et dynamique, enserrée dans un écrin de nature. Située sur la rive gauche de l'Ill, bordée par des forêts (pas moins de 38 hectares) et des champs, la commune possède aussi plusieurs étangs […]